
Screenshot (74)

I can only apologise for my absence, I’ve been really busy lately, as well as being in the claws of writer’s block. But I managed to kick it long enough to write this, so.. yay, I guess!

This is for anyone who looks in the mirror and doesn’t recognise the person they see. You’re not the only one, and things will work out. Stay strong. I hope you enjoy šŸ™‚


The girl that stares at me from the mirror is a stranger. She gazes at me, her eyes unforgiving, accusing. They search my face, and I know that I may as well be naked, because it wouldn’t make any difference to her. She knows everything, she sees everything. But she is a happy, carefree stranger, a body I haveĀ possessed, a pretty shell that I hide in. Sometimes she smiles at me, sometimes she glares, sometimes she maintains no expression. And sometimes, we look the same. Scales appear on her face, her fingers reduce, her tail grows, her wings flap, she screams fire, and her claws appear, sharp, deadly, capable of causing an unfathomable amount of pain. And then I blink and she’s back, a stranger, looking into my soul.Ā 

But it wasn’t always this way. We used to go everywhere together, hand in hand. We looked the same, and we laughed about everything. We were best friends. But slowly we grew apart, went our separate ways, grew up, and our faces changed. We never spoke, didn’t see each other. We don’t even recognise each other anymore.
The girl that stares at me from the mirror is a stranger.

7 thoughts on “Mirrors

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  1. I am quite familiar with this concept, down to the shifts and subtle changes in what stares back at me when I do caution a glance in a reflective surface. I have a very hard time knowing what my physical appearance truly is… I don’t even know if I would recognize myself seeing out from another person’s eyes. This isn’t such a bad thing… I just don’t live so much in the physical world as would be needed to have that connection with myself. It is something I am working on though.

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